Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hey-Hey! Happy V-Day 2012!

you'd think that with that super perky title that i'm in such a great mood due to my hot man i have by my side.
but oh contrare...

i don't have a hot man.

but i'll tell you what i do have. a LOT.

okay so i'm gonna open up here...really briefly...

this past sunday i felt like i really messed up. my emotions were all jacked up thanks to that blessing of womanhood approaching every month...hey i'm thankful that means i can have babies someday...
annnyway, so i just got really upset...overreacted...i reacted out of my past instead of reacting out of my present-God's everlasting unchanging truth...make sense? anyway, i felt so lame yesterday. mad. at myself really.
and it sucked that saturday i felt so liberated and aware of God's truth...so fast-foward to last night...i turned off the telly and decided i wanted to read and be reminded of God's love for me because somehow i lack revelation..so i started reading this chapter from this book titled passion for JEsus...and it talked about how committed and devoted God is to me...how even in my immaturity, He sees me as lovely and delightful and beautiful...
frog. in. throat.

so out of heaven, i was gonna say "out of nowhere.." but i know it's out of heaven...all this love gushed through the walls of my guarded heart...it's like a hoover dam busted...i cried and i cried and i cried.
how could this God of the universe love me? i'm so messed up. i'm overweight. i wear makeup to hide my zits. i'm not a neat and tighty person. i don't cook. i'm selfish.
but yet He loves me. and not because he needs to...but because He chooses to.

God's love makes me cry.
i feel like i got a love bath last night.
God's love is so cleansing.

i pray this love continues to stir me into a more fervent radical lover of God.
that's it.
happy v-day y'all!

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