Tuesday, May 11, 2010

my first

had my first corona tonight. even learned how to put the lime in! did i like it? the taste wasn't so bad...hints of apple and lime and beer mixed together. everything in moderation. [sidebar: if you're one of the middle school kids i help lead at church, i am 30 years old, so don't even go there.] mmmhmmm....

k, back to blogging...oh, my first corona, courtesy of my mentor, rhonda. she treated me to a yummy mexican dinner at chipotle (burrito bowl baby!) and we spent a whole 3 hours chatting about God and life. i think it's plain rich when you get to just expose your inner self to people. not every person can handle that kind of exposure. lots of people would rather see someone streak than someone be vulnerable and transparent. i say the best kinds of friendships are the ones where you're free to expose your inner self to one another. real love casts out all fear.

um anyway, aside sipping my first corona, another first i had was a pedicure! it was something i think would've been way more enjoyable if i didn't have so many mosquito bites all over my feet to begin with...not to mention, i had been itching so badly that i scratched some bites open and so that salt water was stinging like crazy!
something else i did for the first time this year was meet amy grant! just had to document this moment...i didn't like the picture taken of me with her but this is still what she looks like except hair not as long...

i know this shouldn't be such a big deal considering i got to meet lots of other celeb-like people when i lived in nashville but come on, this is amy grant! i guess i feel more of a connection with her because i grew up on a lot of music...i told her that too.
facebook fast is going well. lots of time to do other stuff. like....blog...sleep...eat....work.....read..pray. the end for now...

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