Sunday, November 29, 2009

"Dear Future Husband:" A Letter To My Boo

hi. i'm your future wife. i don't like that word. wife. it's sooo boring sounding. there's gotta be a better word. i don't wanna just be your wife. wife. ugh. it just doesn't sound as royal as husband. so meanwhile...while you and i haven't met or maybe had that light-bulb moment of "oh my gosh, he/she's freakin' amazing!!! ...and not ugly at all!"...i'm gonna think of a better word for wife.

husband and bride. that sounds better. i know it's nothing new but it's more majestic and until i come up with something else, this will do.

i'll be your bride. never call me wife. ugh. "hello, this is my bride, leslie..." i like that. oh and feel free to throw in any other flattering adjectives next to that...

i hope you make me laugh a lot. that's all for now.

your bride.

1 comment:

my name is megan said...

you are so stinkin' adorable.